Hakka Spice Blend

A delicious, nutty spice blend with sesame seeds and toasted spices. Perfect for Hakka lamb skewers or Hakka chicken dumplings!

6 whole Star Anise

1 tsp each, whole: cloves, cumin, coriander, allspice, fennel, black peppercorn, Sichuan peppercorn

2 inch stick cinnamon, broken up

2 tbsp white sesame seeds

1 tbsp ground ginger

Set a medium non stick skillet over medium heat. Add star anise, cloves, cumin, coriander, allspice, fennel, black pepper, Sichuan pepper and cinnamon sticks to skillet. Toast until fragrant and slightly darker, about 3 min.

Add sesame seeds and toast again for another 2-3 min until spices are darker and aromatic. 

Grind to a fine powder along with the ginger.