Coconut Rice

Delicious, aromatic and mildly nutty in flavour, this rice tastes great with Kerala Fish Curry!

1 1/4 cup Basmati rice

2 tbsp butter

2 each, whole: green cardamom, cloves

1/2 inch stick cinnamon

1 Star anise

1/4 tsp black mustard seeds

20 fresh curry leaves

1 cup each: water, unsweetened coconut milk

Salt to taste

Place rice in large mixing bowl and wash several times under running water. Cover rice with water and soak 15 min. Drain in fine mesh sieve and reserve.

Warm butter in heavy bottomed large saucepan over medium heat. Add cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, star anise, mustard seeds and curry leaves. Saute 1 min until spices sizzle and seeds start to pop.

Add drained rice and stir gently to coat with spiced butter. Add water, coconut milk and salt. Stir gently to mix, cover saucepan and bring contents to a boil.

Reduce heat to low and cook 15 min without uncovering the pan in between. Let rice rest 5 min before uncovering. Fluff gently with a fork or transfer to a platter and serve hot.

Serves four